Dr. Yanqing Sun

Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Professor of Statistics
Education: M.S. and Ph.D. in Statistics, Florida State University
Biography: Dr. Yanqing Sun is an elected Fellow of American Statistical Association and elected Member of International Statistical Institute. Dr. Sun received her Ph.D degree from Florida State University. She has worked in a broad area of biostatistics including survival and recurrent event data analysis, competing risks data analysis and longitudinal data analysis. Dr. Sun has developed statistical methods for problems arising from the HIV vaccine efficacy trials. She has published 70 professional articles. Dr. Sun is a member of the editorial boards of Journal of American Statistical Association, Statistics in Biosciences and International Journal of Biostatistics. Dr. Sun has been funded by NSF and NIH with over two million dollars in research support since 2003. She was appointed three times to serve on the Statistics Panel of the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences. She has supervised 14 Ph.D students. Learn more about Dr. Sun here.