Dr. Teemu Saksala from North Carolina State University invited by Dr. Loc Nguyen, will be giving a colloquium talk on Friday, September 6, at 3:00 pm in Fretwell 315. Title: Inverse Problem for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Operators on Riemannian Manifolds Without Boundary Abstract: In this talk we consider an inverse problem for a hyperbolic partial […]

This 1-day symposium is an annual meeting focusing on Math research and education is on October 26th, 2024. The goal of this event is to strengthen communication & collaboration of mathematical researchers and to provide a networking opportunity for students and faculty within North Carolina and Neighboring States. This year’s keynote speakers are, Dr. Christian […]
Congratulations to Dr. Mikhail Klibanov and Dr. Kevin McGoff on receiving an NSF DMS grant for $535,680 together with PI Shi Chen and other collaborators from Public Health. Their project title is ” MPOPHC: A Novel Mean-Field Game Modeling Framework with Interdependent Health Policies and Public Opinions Feedback Loop for Real-Time Public Health Decision Support” […]
Congratulations to Dr. John R. Taylor for being nominated for the UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence! This award is to showcase the educators who exemplified creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment for students. Dr. Taylor said he is grateful to the Math Department faculty and in particular, Professor Desire Taylor for their support throughout the […]
Dr Felix Ye from the University at Albany, NY, invited by Dr. Xingjie Li (Helen), will be giving a colloquium talk on Friday, August 23, at 2:00 pm in Fretwell 315. The title: Robust differentiation for regularized optimal transport Abstract: Applications such as unbalanced and fully shuffled regression can be approached by optimizing regularized optimal transport (OT) distances, such […]
Yijiang Wang, a doctoral student in Applied Mathematics, will defend his dissertation topic proposal on Thursday, August 15 at 1:00 PM. His dissertation advisor is Dr. Jiancheng Jiang. The title of Yijiang’s dissertation topic is“Spatial Quantile Estimation of High-Dimensional VAR(P) via Tensor Decomposition”. All interested persons are invited to attend; in particular, graduate faculty and […]
Congratulations to Dr. Wenyu Gao for receiving a seed grant from SDS! The grant is for $10,000 for her proposal — Unlocking Novel Deep Sea Viral Diversity and Function: Leveraging Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques
Congratulations to Dr. Shaoyu Li and Dr. Duan Chen for receiving a grant from the SDS. The grant is for $13,400.00 for their Proposal — Computational Deconvolution for Malaria Bulk Tissue RNA.
Dr. Loc Nguyen, Dr. Yanjmaa Jutmaan, and Dr. Anthony Fernandes received the College Inclusive Funding Award. Our Inclusive Excellence Grants (formerly known as the Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund) is a funding opportunity to support innovative University-level activities, events, or projects that have the potential to enhance diversity, promote equity, and foster inclusion throughout UNC Charlotte […]
Professor Min Ru, from the University of Houston will give a talk on Friday September 28. The exact location and time will be announced later. The title of his talk is “Results related to F.T.A. in number theory, complex analysis and geometry applications“.
Daniel Onofrei, from the University of Houston, will give a colloquium talk on Tuesday, April 03, at 11:00 AM in the Conference room. The title of his talk is “Active manipulation of scalar wave fields and applications“.
Leonid Koralov, from the University of Maryland, will give a colloquium talk on Wednesday, March 21, at 3:25PM, in the Conference room. The title of his talk is “Large Time Behavior of Randomly Perturbed Dynamical Systems“.