Goudes Scholarship

Established by Nicholas T. Goudes in memory of his beloved wife, Alma Stettler Goudes, and daughter, Sharon Goudes, this scholarship provides $5,000 per academic year to identify and attract to the teaching profession highly capable men and women who have demonstrated their intention to teach English and mathematics at the pre-college level.

Who is eligible?

Undergraduate Students

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be enrolled full-time at UNC Charlotte
  • Must be formally admitted to a Teacher Education Program
  • Minimum 3.0 grade point average in at least 45 semester hours of higher education course work
  • Must be pursuing:
    A) an undergraduate degree in English or mathematics and a secondary education (high school) initial teaching license, or
    b) an undergraduate degree and initial teaching license in middle grades education with a concentration in English/communication skills or mathematics
  • Intent to pursue teaching as a career
  • Strong evidence of work with children
  • Evidence of leadership skills

Required materials

  1. A personal letter that addresses the eligibility criteria.
  2. A resume.
  3. Transcripts of all higher education course work.
  4. Two letters of recommendation: one from a UNC Charlotte faculty member and one from a non UNC Charlotte person of the candidate’s choice.

Materials should be submitted to the following address, with the envelop being marked ”confidential”:

Alma and Sharon Goudes Scholarship
3Colvard 022 Building
Office of Student Academic Services
UNC Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Applications are due in March and awards are announced in late April.

For more Information

College of Education
email: snixon@uncc.edu