
The 43rd Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations

October 25-26, 2025

The Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE) has been a cornerstone of collaboration and innovation in the mathematical sciences for over four decades. The 43rd SEARCDE, to be hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on October 25-26, 2025, will continue this tradition by bringing together leading researchers, educators, and students to share insights and foster collaboration in the field of differential equations.

This conference will feature a diverse range of activities, including plenary talks by renowned experts, parallel sessions showcasing cutting-edge research, and opportunities for networking and mentoring. Topics will span a broad spectrum of theoretical and applied areas, such as wave propagation, inverse problems, high-dimensional data analysis, scientific machine learning, signal processing, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and computational mathematics.

A key focus of the 43rd SEARCDE is the active involvement of early-career researchers, including advanced undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty. The conference aims to provide these participants with valuable opportunities to present their work, engage with senior mathematicians, and receive constructive feedback. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, the event seeks to advance the professional development of young scholars while promoting diversity within the mathematical sciences.

Steering Committee Members

  • Keshav Acharya (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
  • John Graef (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
  • Ryan Murray (North Carolina State University, Chair)
  • Loc Nguyen (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
  • Jaffar Ali Shahul Hameed (Florida Gulf Coast University)
  • Ramjee Sharma (University of North Georgia)
  • Charis Tsikkou (West Virginia University)

LOcal OrGanizing committee

  • Loc Nguyen (Conference Chair)
  • Shaozhong Deng
  • Xingjie Li